
Contoh Rekomenasi Dosen Buat Kuliah di Luar Negeri Berbahasa Inggris

Contoh Rekomenasi 2 Dosen Buat Kuliah di Luar Negeri Berbahasa Inggris

(Logo  Kampus)

Number: Un.05/III.5/PP.00.9/1261/2015

The undersigned below as a referee:
Name                           : Dr. Dedi Supriadi, M.Hum
Position Held               : 2nd Vice Dean The Faculty of Adab and Humanities
Address                       : Ciburial Street 03/21 West Cileunyi, Cileunyi Bandung 40393
Giving recommended to:
Name                           : Ma’rup, S.Hum
Date and Town of Birth           : Cianjur, November 28, 1993
Status                           : Student
Address                       : Cimenteng Village, 002/005, Mekarsari, Pagelaran, Cianjur
I give this recommended for lengthen study in Islamic University of Syarif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam on program:
Study Program             : Arabic Language
Faculty                         : Faculty Of Arabic Language & Islamic Civilization
Level                           : Master/ Magister (S2) 
This reference letters we make for use it well.

Bandung, November 04,  2015
                                                                                     2nd Vice Dean The Faculty of Adab and Humanities

                                                                                                Dr. Dedi Supriadi, M.Hum.

 (Logo  Kampus)

Nomor: Un.05/III.5/PP.00.9/1260/2015

The undersigned below as a referee:
Name               : Dr. Yayan Rahtikawati, M.Ag
Position held                : Academic Guiding Lecturer
Address                       : West Tebet Street Number 55/56 South Jakarta
Giving recommended to:
Name                           : Ma’rup, S.Hum
Date and Town of Birth           : Cianjur, November 28, 1993
Position Held               : Student
Address                       : Cimenteng Village, 002/005, Mekarsari, Pagelaran, Cianjur
I give this recommended for lengthen study in Islamic University of Syarif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam on program:
Study Program             : Arabic Language
Faculty                         : Faculty Of Arabic Language & Islamic Civilization
Level                           : Master/ Magister (S2) 
This reference letters we make for use it well.

Bandung, Oktober 19, 2015
             Academic Guiding Lecturer

                                                                                                Dr. Yayan Rahtikawati, M.Ag

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